5/30/21: Memorial Day Worship Service hosted by Unitarian Church Of Sharon (10:00 a.m.)
5/30/21: Memorial Day Worship Service hosted by Unitarian Church Of Sharon (10:00 a.m.)

“Memorial Day isn’t just a time for cookouts and first trips to the Cape. It’s a time to memorialize, to recall and honor those who have gone before us. This includes those who served our country in times of war, and it is traditional and right to honor them on this day. But it goes beyond that to all the Ancestors, literal and spiritual, whose influence has reached beyond their own lives to enrich and shape ours. One of the best ways to honor these Ancestors is to tell stories of them, their lives, and the gifts they have left for us. You’re invited to bring your own stories of remembrance into a Chalice Circle this Memorial Day.”
If you’d like to share a story, please let the Worship Coordinator know a week or so ahead; we’ll also leave time and space for spontaneous memories that arise as we reflect.
Family Service at 10:00 a.m.
Adult Service at 10:30 a.m.