3/5/22: 8th Principle Workshop (What do you know about the 8th Principle of Unitarian Universalism?)

Join the Five Points Cluster Congregations for an online workshop to learn more!
Register: https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJ0qceqqqTgpHNKB9Cd22I7hllWdZ_2_A1bq
Universalist Unitarian Church of Brockton www.uubrockton.com
First Parish Unitarian Universalist, Canton www.fpuucanton.org
First Parish of Stoughton, MA www.firstparishstoughton.org
Foxborough Universalist Church www.uufoxborough.org
Unity Church Of North Easton www.unitychurchofnortheaston.org
Unitarian Church Of Sharon www.uusharon.org
Background Information:
- https://www.8thprincipleuu.org/
- The Article II Study Commission and the 8th Principle
- Our Reforming and Transforming Tradition