4/24/22: Five Points Cluster Shared Worship Service at Foxborough Universalist Church (10:00 a.m.)

4/24/22: Five Points Cluster Shared Worship Service at Foxborough Universalist Church (10:00 a.m.)

Topic: “Widening The Circle”

Foxborough Universalist Church’s Social Justice Committee is leading this service which will explore the proposed 8th UU Principle. Worship Service begins at 10:00 a.m. in-person at UUFoxborough and on-line through Zoom.

The Five Points Cluster congregations choose a specific Sunday once every month or so where we gather to share worship together at one of our churches. It is a wonderful way to experience different kinds of worship, get to know our neighbors and siblings in faith, and offer hospitality to one another.

This service is hosted by Foxborough Universalist Church. 

Please visit https://www.UUFoxborough.org for details.


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