5/26/24 (10:30 a.m.): “Coping With Rejection In Beloved Community” – Five Points Cluster Shared Service hosted by All Souls Church of Braintree, 196 Elm Street, Braintree, MA 02184-1801


The Five Points Cluster congregations choose a specific Sunday once every month or so where we gather to share worship together at one of our churches. It is a wonderful way to experience different kinds of worship, get to know our neighbors and siblings in faith, and offer hospitality to one another.


This Worship Service will be hosted by All Souls Church of Braintree.

Five Points Cluster Shared Service

“Coping with rejection in beloved community

Life is partly made up of discarded things and discarded people and we can try to find beauty in this complicated tapestry of life while healing through connection. Our connections with each other will help us survive the future as a community, a country and as a species.”


This service will be held in-person and through  Zoom.

The Zoom link to join us is: https://zoom.us/j/96571006038

One tap mobile
+13017158592,,96571006038# US (Washington DC)
+13052241968,,96571006038# US
Meeting ID: 965 7100 6038​


Please visit www.allsoulsbraintreechurch.org for details.