6/1/24: Canton Pride Day at First Parish Unitarian Universalist Canton (1:00 p.m.)

Canton Pride Day

at First Parish Unitarian Universalist Canton, Massachusetts

Saturday, June 1
1 – 3 PM

“First Parish UU-Canton once again is pleased to partner with the Town of Canton’s Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee (CDEI) to host the Town of Canton’s Pride Day Event!”

  • The event will occur on the church lawn (if weather is poor, it will move into the Parish Hall)
  • Featured singer performer will be Jack Colton McGrath, who is a local member of the LGBTQI+ community and who also has appeared on American Idol!
  • There will be other youth singers and local speakers, PRIDE flags, and PRIDE inspired food snacks!

Location: 1508 Washington Street, Canton, MA 02021


Please visit https://www.FPUUCanton.org for additional details.