6/20-23/24: Unitarian Universalist Association General Assembly

General Assembly is the annual gathering of Unitarian Universalists, where we conduct business of the Association, explore the theological underpinnings of our faith, and lean fully into our mission and principles. Please join us online Thursday, June 20 through Sunday, June 23, 2024 for this 4-day immersive experience where we participate in inspirational worship services and informative workshops, reconvene with friends and colleagues, and explore our virtual exhibit hall. GA is an unforgettable experience for the thousands of UUs who participate. You’ll leave with renewed energy and innovative ideas to share with your congregation and community-at-large!


Theme: Love Unites, Stories Ignite

Dont miss out on this remarkable gathering of
minds and hearts. Secure your spot today to connect, engage, and empower yourself with likeminded individuals who share your faith.

Registration is available at

Unite with fellow UUs as we
explore the boundless power of
love in our faith community. Ignite
your spirit with the incredible
stories that shape our faith and
inspire change. Dive into the rich
tapestry of narratives that have
the potential to ignite a brighter
future for us all.


“Soulful Sundays” at First Parish Unitarian Universalist Canton, 1508 Washington Street, Canton, MA 02021-2267


Soulful Sundays: Every Other Sunday, beginning June 30, 2024 (3:00 p.m.)


This summer, join First Parish for a series of relaxed, contemplative worship gatherings and theme discussions called Soulful Sunday, based on the Soulful Sundown programs offered at UU congregations across the country (and even the world!)

  • During each session, there will be gathering music, a story or reading, a time for shared reflection on the theme, a time to share meaningful poetry, music, or other art, and a sharing of our joys and sorrows.
  • Soulful Sunday gatherings will take place at 3:00 p.m. in the Chapel.
  • Snacks and beverages will be provided, but feel free to bring additional contributions!

In 2024, Soulful Sundays will be held:

  • June 30
  • July 14
  • July 28
  • August 11
  • August 25

These will be held in person at First Parish Unitarian Universalist Canton.


Please visit https://FPUUCanton.org for details.


6/27/24 (6:00 p.m.): Thursdays On The Lawn at First Parish Unitarian Universalist Canton, 1508 Washington Street, Canton, MA 02021-2267

Thursdays on the Lawn (6:00 p.m.)

Thursdays On The Lawn: Thursdays, beginning June 27, 2024 (6:00 p.m.)


“Bring a sandwich, salad, and a chair
and join us for a fun evening to share and just hang out.
In case of rain or excess heat we will meet in the Chapel.”

In 2024, Thursdays on the Lawn will be held:

  • June 27
  • July 11
  • July 25
  • August 8
  • August 22

This event will be hosted by First Parish Unitarian Universalist Canton


Please visit https://FPUUCanton.org for details.


6/15/24 (1:00 p.m.): Spirituality and Social Justice Film Conversation at First Parish Unitarian Universalist Canton, 1508 Washington Street, Canton, MA 02021-2267

Spirituality and Social Justice Film Conversation (1:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.)
“We’ll honor Pride Month by viewing and discussing ‘For the Bible Tells Me So'”


This event will be hosted by First Parish Unitarian Universalist Canton


Please visit https://FPUUCanton.org for details.

uua off-center chalice logo

Summer Worship Services at Five Points Cluster Congregations

Summer Worship Services and Events at Five Points Cluster Congregations

uua off-center chalice logo

Join the Five Points Cluster congregations in Southeastern Massachusetts, including churches from Attleboro, Braintree, Brockton, Canton, Foxborough, North Easton, Sharon, and Stoughton, for Worship Services and events!


We are Unitarian Universalist congregations in southeastern Massachusetts.


6/8/24 (1:00 p.m.): Spirituality and Social Justice Film Conversation at First Parish Unitarian Universalist Canton, 1508 Washington Street, Canton, MA 02021-2267

Spirituality and Social Justice Film Conversation (1:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.)
“We’ll honor Pride Month by viewing and discussing ‘For the Bible Tells Me So'”


This event will be hosted by First Parish Unitarian Universalist Canton


Please visit https://FPUUCanton.org for details.

May 15, 2024: Veterans For Peace Event in Canton

5/15/24: Veterans For Peace at First Parish Unitarian Universalist Canton (7:00 p.m.)

May 15, 2024: Veterans For Peace Event in Canton

Update: “The Veterans Walk for Peace was originally scheduled to stop in Canton at First Parish tonight, but the location was changed to the Friends Meeting House, 26 Benvenue Street, in Wellesley at 7PM (presentation) tonight (6PM potluck) instead due to a need for larger accommodations.”

On May 15, 2024, First Parish Unitarian Universalist in Canton is hosting Veterans for Peace in their march from Maine to Washington, D.C. They are hosting a potluck supper at 6:00 p.m. and then a forum at 7:00 p.m. that night at First Parish Unitarian Universalist in Canton. You are welcome to join us.


Please visit https://www.FPUUCanton.org for details.

Peace Walk 2024: Massachusetts Route


2024-May-4_700_PM_Picking_Up_Stones Flyer

5/4/24: “Picking Up Stones: An American Jew Wakes to a Nightmare” at First Parish Unitarian Universalist Canton (7:00 p.m.)

A “one-woman show by Sandra Laub performing in multiple voices the issues at heart in the Middle East. This show sold out in Rhode Island when performed there, and we are anticipating that for its showing in Canton as well where we are only offering 100 tickets for advance sale (not at the door). You can see more information in the attached flyers, and we hope you publicize it in your respective congregations with those who might be interested and find it a valuable opportunity for processing. For those who need to know this, we will have security present, and we are located directly next to the Canton police station. We are circulating this in limited circles, however – and the Canton synagogues are on board with this happening.”


Please visit https://www.FPUUCanton.org for additional details.

Tickets: here


May 4, 2024, Picking Up Stones play in Canton (7:00 p.m.)


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4/27/24: Five Points Cluster Planning Meeting (9:30 a.m.)

4/27/24: Five Points Cluster Planning Meeting (9:30 a.m.)


There will be a Five Points Cluster Planning Meeting at 9:30 a.m., on Saturday, April 27, 2024. The meeting will be held on Zoom.us. Please contact your Five Points Cluster Coordinator for the Zoom link and password. 



April 27, 2024 BOLA Dinner & Raffle

4/27/24: BOLA 2024 Dinner & Raffle at First Parish of Stoughton, MA, 790 Washington Street, Stoughton, MA 02072-2940 (6:00 p.m.)

BOLA 2024 Dinner & Raffle at First Parish of Stoughton, MA, 790 Washington Street, Stoughton, MA 02072-2940.

April 27, 2024 BOLA Dinner & Raffle

Details: “‘Bola’ is First Parish’s annual Dinner & Raffle event. No one knows exactly where the name Bola came from, but we suspect it’s related to the ‘Tombola’ raffles that are popular at small-town fetes in England.

What does it look like at First Parish Stoughton? Dinner with a lot of fun and many chances to win prizes. One thing that makes Bola distinct is that if your raffle ticket wins a prize, it goes back into the basket and could win again! (Theoretically, one single ticket could win all the prizes! Though we’ve never seen that actually happen, we’ve seen plenty of instances where the same ticket won multiple prizes in a night.)

Bola 2024 will be April 27 at 6:00pm.

  • Dinner tickets are $15 for ages 13 and up; $7 for ages 12 and under

  • Dinner reservation deadline is Monday April 22

  • Dinner is a Pasta Blowout! Different kinds of pasta and sauce, Salad, Bread, and Dessert

  • Contact the office at 781-344-6800, office@firstparishstoughton.org BY APRIL 22 to make a reservation (be sure to indicate how many tickets, whether adult or kid tickets, and whether meat eater or vegetarian)

  • Raffle tickets are $1 each, 3 for $2, or 6 for $5 and are sold prior to as well as on the night of the BOLA dinner

More information is available here: https://firstparishstoughton.org/bola/


For upcoming events in the Five Points Cluster congregations, please visit the calendar of events at https://fivepointscluster.org/events/.