6/23/24 (1:00 p.m.): “UUA General Assembly Virtual Worship: Weaving Our Lives” Watch Party at Unitarian Church of Sharon, 4 North Main Street, Sharon, MA 02067

Photo of UUSharon

“Join us virtually for the largest annual gathering of UUs in worship. Sunday Worship will be live-streamed here at this link. No registration required. DVR controls, which provide the ability to pause and rewind the live event, will be available. Rev. Molly Housh-Gordon preaching. We will open the church for a Virtual Worship watch party at 1 PM, stay tuned for the possibility of a brown bag lunch beforehand.”


This event will be held at Unitarian Church of Sharon.


Please visit https://UUSharon.org for details.*





5/26/24 (10:30 a.m.): “Coping With Rejection In Beloved Community” – Five Points Cluster Shared Service hosted by All Souls Church of Braintree, 196 Elm Street, Braintree, MA 02184-1801


The Five Points Cluster congregations choose a specific Sunday once every month or so where we gather to share worship together at one of our churches. It is a wonderful way to experience different kinds of worship, get to know our neighbors and siblings in faith, and offer hospitality to one another.


This Worship Service will be hosted by All Souls Church of Braintree.

Five Points Cluster Shared Service

“Coping with rejection in beloved community

Life is partly made up of discarded things and discarded people and we can try to find beauty in this complicated tapestry of life while healing through connection. Our connections with each other will help us survive the future as a community, a country and as a species.”


This service will be held in-person and through  Zoom.

The Zoom link to join us is: https://zoom.us/j/96571006038

One tap mobile
+13017158592,,96571006038# US (Washington DC)
+13052241968,,96571006038# US
Meeting ID: 965 7100 6038​


Please visit www.allsoulsbraintreechurch.org for details.


5/26/24 (10:30 a.m.): “Public Memory, Creative Art, and Theology” – Five Points Cluster Shared Service hosted by First Parish Unitarian Universalist Canton, 1508 Washington Street, Canton, MA 02021-2267



UPDATE: This service will not be available via Zoom and All Soul’s Braintree will be hosting the Five Points Cluster Shared Worship Service. (as of May 20, 2024)


The Five Points Cluster congregations choose a specific Sunday once every month or so where we gather to share worship together at one of our churches. It is a wonderful way to experience different kinds of worship, get to know our neighbors and siblings in faith, and offer hospitality to one another.


This Worship Service will be hosted by First Parish Unitarian Universalist Canton


Led by Rev. Dr. Michelle Walsh

Five Points Cluster Shared Service

As we honor Memorial Day, how can we broaden our reflection on the theological meaning of public memory as conveyed through public creative art? What role do public ritual and public art play in trauma responsiveness and in cultivating our social and spiritual moral imaginations?

This service will be virtual only on Zoom.

The Zoom link to join us is: https://zoom.us/j/95664457049?pwd=RjBpWERkZWllQjk4TjJ4YnVNQ1NqZz09

Or by phone 1-929-205-6099
Meeting ID: 956 6445 7049
Passcode: 607303 “


Please visit https://FPUUCanton.org for details.*

Photo of UUSharon

4/14/24 (10:30 a.m.): “Article II Sermon Series: Equity” – Five Points Cluster Shared Service hosted by Unitarian Church of Sharon, 4 North Main Street, Sharon, MA 02067

Photo of UUSharon

The Five Points Cluster congregations choose a specific Sunday once every month or so where we gather to share worship together at one of our churches. It is a wonderful way to experience different kinds of worship, get to know our neighbors and siblings in faith, and offer hospitality to one another.


This Worship Service will be hosted by Unitarian Church of Sharon.

Family Worship Service begins at 10:00 a.m. Adult Worship Service begins at 10:30 a.m. in-person and on-line through Zoom.

“10:00 AM Family Worship: Lessons from the Great Story Part I: Where does Creativity Come from? 

Last month we introduced the Great Story of the Universe through the lens of a creation story. Creation stories can offer us a sense of identity and provide us with life lessons.  So what can we glean from it? This week is part I of Lessons from the Great Story

10:30 AM Worship: Creating Fairness in the Land of Plenty

Article II Sermon Series: Equity

Today we continue our sermon series on our UU values as described in our newly proposed Article II of our UUA Bylaws, by exploring the value of Equity. The bylaw revision declares: ‘every person has the right to flourish with inherent dignity and worthiness.’ What does equity have to do with inherent worth and dignity? Rev. Jolie preaching.”


Please visit https://UUSharon.org for details.*