UPDATE! 11/19/22: Five Points Cluster Planning Meeting (9:30 a.m.)
There will be a Five Points Cluster Planning Meeting at 9:30 a.m., on Saturday, November 19, 2022. The meeting will be held on Zoom.us and hosted by Unitarian Church of Sharon. Use the link below or please contact your Five Points Cluster Coordinator for the Zoom link and password.
Join the Zoom Meeting using the browser in your computer: 652 546 8701
Meeting ID: 652 546 8701
Password: 3652
One tap mobile
If your computer doesn’t have a microphone and you would like to speak, use Phone Audio on your computer, Continue without Computer Audio (to avoid echo) and call one of these numbers using your phone:
(929) 436-2866
(312) 626-6799
Universalist Unitarian Church of Brockton www.uubrockton.com
First Parish Unitarian Universalist, Canton www.fpuucanton.org
Foxborough Universalist Church www.uufoxborough.org
Unity Church Of North Easton www.unitychurchofnortheaston.org
Unitarian Church Of Sharon www.uusharon.org
First Parish of Stoughton, MA www.firstparishstoughton.org